Pushy Taggers
So in answer to his Tag
5 Things Found in my Room
1. Clothes
2. Bed
3. My old combo set
4. CDs (Hey.. I still had those before I found out abt downloading)
5. Books and magazines which I never read
5 Things I always wanted to do
1. Own a BMW and not worry about cost
2. Do a trialthon and come in the top ten
3. Hit a golf ball with backspin so that it will go in the hole
4. Pay attention in church and not play with handphone
5. Go USA for a spending spree and not worry about money
5 Things in my Gym Bag
1. Shampoo
2. Towel
3. Swimsuit
4. Towel
5. A whole lot of things which make my gym bag heavy
5 Things in my Walet
1. Tons of Loyalty cards. Some I also never visit again
2. A pocket calendar
3. A cross in my pocket
4. Useless paper information
5. Business card
5 things I am currently into
1. Doing up things in my condo
2. Errr.. something that can't be mention
3. Ways I can get out of doing this tagged
4. Trying to find ways to get out of suitations
5. Watching downloaded show
5 parents to tag
I know the fishman is going kill me. But I don't care
1. Do not know 1
2. Do not know 2
3. Do not know 3
4. Do not know 4
5. Do not know 5