Dinner with Li Mae
Thought of eating at Pymarid but then made read some sign wrong so ended up in Subang Parade. I offer TGIF to Li Mae but she said No.. so we end up at Swensen. I think it was the attraction of the ice cream.
We each order our meal. Li Mae ordered Mega Burger and I order fried chicken.
Look at de Li Mae eating the Mega burger.

I forgot to say in the pic on the menu the mega burger had veggie in it. But to most of you that know li mae SHE DONT EAT VEGGIE IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM. (No wonder she is going to be a doctor not a dietician). So you ask did she pick the veggie out. No we got a bit of class so therefore we ask for the veggie on the side.
Well you ask ask did Li Mae finish the burger.
Take a look at the pic.. the burger doesn't look eaten but you notice that the ice cream sudae dish at the side is finish. She try to hide her face...